Recruitment is a people based business. Our success and growth is reliant upon people; our assets. Our foundation is based on providing the best possible recruitment services to both our clients and our candidates through recruitment consultants who are skilled, experienced and specialists in their own fields.


With Nomad’s global reach we are able to specialise in attracting talented professionals from both local and international markets across a variety of industry sectors. We offer bespoke, professional, contingency and retained search services. Service quality is guaranteed, thanks to a particular focus on flexibility and integrity.

As Recruitment specialists we begin our engagement by getting to know the corporation and the people behind it. Apart from operations, strategy, and specific search needs, we place strong emphasis on developing an understanding of the culture and management values which we believe is critical for solid, successful placements on behalf of our client.


Our well established connections in the Oil, Gas and Green Energy industry provides technically skilled and competent professionals with an excellent base from which to launch themselves into good quality positions within major Corporations that are well placed to provide candidates with a secure yet challenging career path.

We offer the right candidates a service which is both discreet and personal in its approach. A wide variety of positions is made available on a continuous basis ultimately allowing for greater choice within the parameters of your particular skill set. Nomad strives for excellence in our interactions with you. We want candidates to have a genuinely positive experience with us every time, using our skills and knowledge to guide you as best we may in order to provide you with the best opportunities that you can feel excited about.


Bearing in mind the needs of the role and the particular requirements our engagement team establishes a search strategy that defines relevant skills in the context of the talent pool currently available in the industry. Based on the qualifications, experience and competencies required in the candidate we then develop the target industries, geographies and companies in which we will search. We also work through a cost vs. skills matrix to arrive at the appropriate compensation level and mix.

At Nomad HR our aim is real, tangible success. Our objective is not alone to find the best person for the job but also to ensure that the job is in the best long term interests of the candidate. A long and deep industry search experience makes us credible advisors for Senior Candidates. We approach candidates not just with the role at hand, but also offer a view into the softer factors that make these Corporations tick.

We evaluate candidates not just against their competency and experience grids, but also against the cultural framework of the Company and the region we are engaging with. Through our extensive network we are able to obtain both formal and informal references for candidates. Similarly, we are able to walk candidates and hiring managers through the decision making process to arrive at a position that is of mutual lasting benefit.

“Our global network, local geographic and industry specialist knowledge is where we excel;
both for our clients and candidates”


“Rock solid results”